Monday, November 13, 2006

Bronze Light

like a butterfly
you flutter and land gently
on grass a bronze leaf

This is in response to One Deep Breath


susanlavonne said...

there's so much i like about this post i don't know where to begin...
the way you caught the sun filtering through and lighting the leaf...
the depth of field and the closeness of the grass...
the butterfly analogy...
the imagery of the leaf landing..
all just gorgeous!

Becca said...

The light is this photo is amazing, and I can almost see it in motion, "landing gently."

Marvelous photo and haiku!

get zapped said...

Thank you both for your comments. It's wonderful having others explore and bring new light to something created.
I've enjoyed your postings, too!

Roswila said...

An odd thing happened when I first read this. I actually felt two distinct landings. The first two lines felt like a person "landing." The last, the actual leaf in the photo. And from that I had a beautiful sadness. That the beautiful person was very aged ... Hope I'm not doing too much of an injustice to your ku with my associations. I really appreciate it and the photo. :-)

Anonymous said...

You piece works so well with this photo, so well it almost seems effortless. It's like, "Yes! That's exactly what I was thinking!" You words brought the photo to life.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Wonderful photo and your words match it so well.

get zapped said...

I'm delighted by all of your comments.

roswila - your associations bring more life and light to the piece and I can fully see how you went were you did. Naturally, when we create, emotions slip through us, perhaps undetected until someone opens the door to them, like you did with this. Thank you.

bice and c g poet, thanks. The picture spoke to me for a while and then I came across one deep breath yesterday and felt inspired to write and I guess this ku was waiting to be revealed. ~Peace

jzr said...

Wonderful photo and haiku response! At this time of year leaves are some of my favorite things and demand study. Your "study" is excellent!

LauraHinNJ said...

I just loved this.

get zapped said...

Leaves remind us each autumn of the cycle of life. We must pay attention...
